Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53210
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Ministries Worship Center | 414-445-6847 | 5418 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Bethany Calvary United Methodist Churc | 414-258-2868 | 7265 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Bethel Bethany United Church of Chris | 414-442-1281 | 2878 N 54th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Christ Kingdom Missionary Bapt | 414-442-6035 | 3926 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Christian Liberty Church of Holin | 414-263-4342 | 2544 N 27th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Church of Christ | 414-445-6452 | 5126 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Covenant Community Church | 414-444-7330 | 3033 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Damascus Baptist Church | 414-263-4720 | 2447 N 27th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Good Samaritan Church of God in Chris | 414-444-3944 | 5413 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Good Samaritan Properties | 414-444-5576 | 5411 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Grace To Help Tabernacle | 414-445-1780 | 5232 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Greater Mt Zion Missionary Bapt | 414-871-5673 | 2479 N Sherman Blvd | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Israel Missionary Baptist Church | 414-442-9303 | 3719 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Joshua Possessing the Promise Ministr | 414-873-6910 | 4931 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Milwaukee Outreach Ministry | 414-875-2267 | 2401 N 36th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church | 414-873-3466 | 2862 N 53rd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church | 414-873-1221 | 2315 N 38th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
New Revelation Full Gospel Baptist | 414-445-0913 | 2878 N 27th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Paradise Sanctuary Missionary Bapt | 414-264-2266 | 2701 W Clarke St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Pentecost Lutheran Church Elca | 414-445-2696 | 5226 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church | 414-476-3989 | 6817 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Power of God Church Ministries | 414-444-2822 | 4600 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
School Sisters of Notre Dame | 414-871-2539 | 6920 W Lisbon Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 414-873-7793 | 2579 N 35th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Sherman Park Lutheran Church Lc Ms | 414-445-5185 | 2703 N Sherman Blvd | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Solid Rock Pentecostal Apostolic Churc | 414-449-9940 | 2800 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
St Anne's Cathederal Holy Church of | 414-444-2645 | 5831 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
St Paul Ev Lutheran Church W E L S | 414-871-1520 | 3059 N 73rd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Temple of the Living God | 414-442-2120 | 4032 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
True Rock Missionary Baptist Church | 414-871-5577 | 4500 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
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