Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53211
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adult Respite Care | 414-962-9190 | 2647 N Stowell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Chinese Christian Church of Milwa | 414-906-9208 | 2519 E Kenwood Blvd | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Church in the City | 414-961-1122 | 2648 N Hackett Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 414-967-9576 | 2544 N Frederick Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Darrow F Wm Rev | 414-964-0924 | 2409 E Park Pl | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Fourth Church of Christ Scientist | 414-964-2490 | 2011 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Hillel Foundation Milwaukee | 414-961-2010 | 3035 N Stowell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Kingo Lutheran Church Elca | 414-964-2620 | 1225 E Olive St | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Luther Memorial Chapel | 414-332-5732 | 3833 N Maryland Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Plymouth Church | 414-964-1513 | 2717 E Hampshire Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Salem Ev Lutheran Church Wis Syno | 414-964-7036 | 2400 N Cramer St | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Unification Church The | 414-332-6967 | 3031 N Frederick Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 414-332-0400 | 2308 E Belleview Pl | Milwaukee | WI | 53211 |
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