Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53223
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church Elca | 414-354-4514 | 5214 W Luebbe Ln | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Brentwood Church of Christ | 414-353-6757 | 6425 N 60th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Brown Deer Baptist Church | 414-354-4620 | 7908 N 51st St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Brown Deer United Church of Chris | 414-354-6920 | 6380 W Dean Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Christ the King Baptist Church | 414-371-5000 | 7750 N 60th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 414-353-5281 | 7100 N 60th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Falls Baptist Church | 414-365-8375 | 7849 N 80th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Full Gospel Ministries Christian Cente | 414-365-9301 | 9187 N 76th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Graceland Community Church | 414-760-6358 | 7100 W Lima St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Live Stones Christian Fellowship | 414-365-6375 | 7019 W Green Brook Ct | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Milwaukee Church of Christ | 414-371-9732 | 7710 N 44th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Sisters of Charity of St Joan Antida | 414-354-9233 | 8560 N 76th Pl | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-760-3303 | 7066 N 55th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
St Mark Ev Lutheran Church | 414-354-7980 | 8635 N 60th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
St Paul's Ev Lutheran Church Brown De | 414-355-5030 | 8080 N 47th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
St Peter Immanuel Lutheran Church | 414-353-6800 | 7801 W Acacia St | Milwaukee | WI | 53223 |
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