Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53227
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Reformed Baptist Church | 414-321-2372 | 2660 S 88th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Cutting Edge Ministries | 414-543-0678 | 8550 W National Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church | 414-321-0730 | 9741 W Beloit Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Emmanuel Lutheran Church | 414-321-8430 | 2306 S 98th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Grace Bible Church | 414-541-4252 | 2643 S 117th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Holy Trinity Ev Lutheran | 414-321-0700 | 11709 W Cleveland Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Luther Memorial Ev Lutheran Church | 414-541-3790 | 2840 S 84th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Mt Hope Lutheran Church Elca | 414-541-9500 | 8633 W Becher St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
New Song Christian Fellowship | 414-546-1234 | 3131 S 100th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
School Sisters of St Francis | 414-541-7125 | 1901 S 102nd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Sisters of St Dominic | 414-327-4713 | 2367 S 84th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-543-1371 | 3358 S 93rd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-321-7667 | 9100 W Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Tabernacle Baptist Church | 414-541-8270 | 11530 W National Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
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