Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Milwaukee, WI 53227
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Dental Specialty Insti | 414-321-7200 | 2323 S 109th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Anderson Dennis R Dr Sc | 414-545-9090 | 10701 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Arena Anthony W Dds | 414-545-2840 | 8511 W Lincoln Ave Uppr | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Belardi David W Dr | 414-546-1900 | 10401 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Beloit Road Dental Care | 414-543-2657 | 9431 W Beloit Rd Ste 205 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Casey Thomas P Dds | 414-321-2720 | 10202 W Hayes Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Coakley James R Dr Dentst | 414-541-8900 | 8900 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Delgado Gina Dds | 414-327-6363 | 8801 W National Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Dr Michael A Schwab Dds Sc | 414-545-5030 | 10401 W Lincoln Ave Ste 205 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Dr Molar & Friends Corporation | 414-975-4354 | 10375 W Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Eichholz John E Dentst | 414-545-3200 | 10708 W Hayes Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Griffin Orthodontics | 414-328-0704 | 10809 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Jagemann Steven J Dr Dentst | 414-321-8300 | 8929 W National Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Krueger Todd R | 414-327-2700 | 8531 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Ledvina George R Dds | 414-545-0147 | 9401 W Beloit Rd Ste 310 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Limberatos Peter A Dr Dentst | 414-321-7700 | 10820 W National Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Lincoln Dental Group | 414-321-2320 | 2301 S 108th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Maurin James R Dr Dentst | 414-545-5380 | 2621 Root River Pkwy | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Pricco Donald F Dds | 414-327-4130 | 10401 W Lincoln Ave Ste 101 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Putney Jeffrey G Dr Dentst | 414-321-6890 | 12320 W Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Ridder Larry L Dr Dentst | 414-545-5225 | 2323 S 109th St Ste 295 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Verbos Richard C Dentist | 414-545-3350 | 10915 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Verhulst Ronald H Dr | 414-546-3151 | 10401 W Lincoln Ave Ste 102 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Walker Frederick M Dr | 414-541-0055 | 2319 S 108th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Welnak Jeffrey W Dr | 414-545-2050 | 10533 W National Ave Ste 203 | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
Zussman Richard L Dr Orthodnst | 414-321-7240 | 8411 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53227 |
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