Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Milwaukee, WI 53215
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atlas Preparatory Academy | 414-385-0771 | 2911 S 32nd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School | 414-649-4730 | 3126 S 41st St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Holy Wisdom Academy East Campus | 414-744-7188 | 3329 S 10th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Holy Wisdom Academy West Campus | 414-383-3453 | 3344 S 16th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-9600 | 2431 S 10th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-7500 | 1712 S 32nd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-7700 | 3450 S 32nd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-8200 | 1711 S 35th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-8600 | 4040 W Forest Home Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-8000 | 2920 W Grant St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-647-9962 | 1716 W Holt Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-9700 | 1817 W Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-294-2200 | 1016 W Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-8900 | 2500 W Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee City of | 414-902-9500 | 3014 W Scott St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Milwaukee School District | 414-902-7800 | 3300 S 39th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Nativity Jesuit Middle School | 414-645-1060 | 2925 W Orchard St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Parkside Elementary School | 414-672-8296 | 2552 S 19th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Schools Catholic Archdiocese of | 414-483-8780 | 2840 S 10th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
Schools Catholic Archdiocese of | 414-645-5450 | 1913 W Becher St | Milwaukee | WI | 53215 |
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