Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Milwaukee, WI 53217
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Dominican High School | 414-332-1170 | 120 E Silver Spring Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Fox Point Bayside School District | 414-351-7486 | 601 E Ellsworth Ln | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Fox Point Bayside School District | 414-351-7483 | 7300 N Lombardy Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Fox Point Bayside School District | 414-351-7493 | 7301 N Longacre Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Holy Family Congregation of | 414-332-8175 | 4825 N Wildwood Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Maple Dale Indian Hill School District | 414-351-7380 | 8377 N Port Washington Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Maple Dale Indian Hills School District | 414-351-7390 | 1101 W Brown Deer Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Nicolet High School | 414-351-0145 | 6701 N Jean Nicolet Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Recreation & Adult Center | 414-963-3947 | 5205 N Lydell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Schools Catholic Archdiocese of | 414-332-3660 | 5635 N Santa Monica Blvd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Schools-Whitefish Bay | 414-963-3922 | 1200 E Fairmount Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Schools-Whitefish Bay | 414-963-6800 | 1144 E Henry Clay St | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
Schools-Whitefish Bay | 414-963-3951 | 5812 N Santa Monica Blvd | Milwaukee | WI | 53217 |
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