Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Milwaukee, WI 53212
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Albanese's Tavern | 414-964-7270 | 701 E Keefe Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Anchorage Restaurant | 414-962-4710 | 4700 N Port Washington Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Burger King Restaurants | 414-332-8276 | 733 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Burger King Restaurants | 414-372-1644 | 2862 N Dr Martin Luther Kin | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Church's Chicken | 414-961-2512 | 242 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Cousins Subs | 414-963-9773 | 801 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Dino's Restaurant | 414-263-6033 | 808 E Chambers St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Gig | 414-562-0219 | 1132 E Wright St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Grant's Soul Food Restaurant | 414-263-2929 | 411 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Heinemann's Restaurants | 414-265-1900 | 1300 E Locust St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
J & J Fish and Chicken | 414-372-9000 | 2410 N Dr Martin Luther Kin | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Ja-Stacy The | 414-264-9054 | 2370 N Dr Martin Luther Kin | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Jari | 414-265-2451 | 307 E Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Kfc | 414-562-5033 | 2470 N Dr Martin Luther Kin | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Libiamo Restaurant & Hall | 414-271-1155 | 221 W Galena St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 414-964-7485 | 420 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Ponderosa Steakhouse | 414-265-5144 | 2740 N Dr Martin Luther Kin | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Popeye's Store East Capitol | 414-963-9339 | 207 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Subway-Riverworks Center | 414-431-1593 | 3909 N Richards St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger Resta | 414-962-6759 | 627 E Capitol Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger Resta | 414-263-7397 | 633 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
West Bank Cafe | 414-562-5555 | 732 E Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
Wong's Wok | 414-264-7252 | 2373 N Dr Martin Luther Kin | Milwaukee | WI | 53212 |
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