Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Appleton, WI 54911
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Appleton WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church | 920-733-9561 | 530 W Parkway Blvd | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Creative Child | 920-734-0888 | 1901 N Richmond St | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Faith Child Care Inc | 920-739-7772 | 601 E Glendale Ave | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Kindercare Learning Centers | 920-749-9878 | 3036 N Ballard Rd | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Little Angel Child Care | 920-968-1089 | 912 N Oneida St | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Little Angel Child Care | 920-738-0808 | 1208 N Oneida St | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Montessori Adventure School | 920-738-0325 | 350 W Capitol Dr | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Pro-Con Tot Care | 920-830-2595 | 2430 E Glendale Ave | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
Schools | 920-731-3311 | 217 E Wisconsin Ave | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
St Paul Lutheran Child Care Center | 920-731-5976 | 323 N Morrison St | Appleton | WI | 54911 |
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