Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Appleton, WI 54914
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Appleton WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Appleton Community Evangelical Fre | 920-735-9971 | 2490 W Capitol Dr | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 920-731-1103 | 2024 W Russet Ct | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Community Church of Appleton | 920-731-5523 | 3701 N Gillett St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
East Central Synod of Wi Resource Cen | 920-734-3797 | 16 Tri Park Way | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
First Church of Chirst Scientist | 920-733-3403 | 320 N Badger Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Grace Lutheran Church Elca | 920-733-9135 | 900 N Mason St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Integrity Christian Centre | 920-735-0422 | 110 S Nicolet Rd | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Mason Street Church of Christ | 920-734-0785 | 2600 N Mason St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Schools | 920-733-1660 | 1316 W Lawrence St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
St John United Church of Christ | 920-733-9162 | 1130 W Marquette St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
St Matthew Ev Lutheran Church Wis Syno | 920-733-0916 | 129 S Mason St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
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