Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Appleton, WI 54915
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Appleton WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Appleton Church of Christ | 920-733-5009 | 3601 E Newberry St | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Brademaker Jim Rev | 920-733-3319 | 415 E Hoover Ave | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Christ's Church of the Valley | 920-832-0829 | 1125 E Taft Ave | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Covenant Christian Reformed Church | 920-731-5731 | 1601 S Covenant Ln | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 920-731-6101 | 2020 E John St | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Eternal Love Lutheran Church | 920-749-9744 | 1011 E Midway Rd | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
First Congregational United Church O | 920-733-7393 | 724 E South River St | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Fox River Baptist Church | 920-734-6162 | 2700 E Henry St | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fe | 920-731-0849 | 2600 Philip Ln | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Lcms | 920-734-9643 | 2220 E College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
People of Praise Center | 920-993-1061 | 913 S West Ave | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
People of Praise Office | 920-731-1058 | 2418 Crestview Dr | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 920-739-5255 | 2330 E Calumet St | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Riverview Ev Lutheran Church & School | 920-733-3728 | 136 W Seymour St Rear | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
Sisters of St Francis | 920-733-8508 | 1927 E John St | Appleton | WI | 54915 |
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