Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Appleton, WI 54914
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Appleton WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 920-954-8060 | 3730 W College Ave Frnt | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Arby's | 920-730-8267 | 3801 W Wisconsin Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Burger King | 920-731-2733 | 2511 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Burger King | 920-739-7552 | 919 W Wisconsin Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Capitol Centre | 920-735-9941 | 725 W Capitol Dr | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Cousins Subs | 920-954-5880 | 706 W Northland Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Creative Croissant | 920-830-3393 | W6390 Challenger Dr Frnt | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Dick & Joan's Supper Club | 920-731-8855 | 220 N Lynndale Dr | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Fazoli's Restaurant | 920-830-6411 | 4687 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Golden Corral | 920-739-6093 | 1169 N Westhill Blvd | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 920-731-7792 | 3301 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 920-734-4500 | 700 W Northland Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Nakashima of Japan | 920-739-6057 | 4100 W Pine St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Outback Steakhouse | 920-730-4329 | 4287 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Perkins Family Restaurant & Ba | 920-731-0351 | 2975 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Ponderosa Steak House | 920-734-6502 | 130 S Bluemound Dr | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
sipats Food & Spirits | 920-738-7171 | 733 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Subway Subs & Salads | 920-954-1123 | 833 W Wisconsin Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Taste of India | 920-731-9200 | 2333 W Wisconsin Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Texas Roadhouse | 920-738-7427 | 3910 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
The Bar of Appleton | 920-954-0888 | 2435 W Nordale Dr | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
The Melting Pot | 920-739-3533 | 2295 W College Ave | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
Tom's Drive-Inn | 920-731-0827 | 1027 S Outagamie St | Appleton | WI | 54914 |
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