Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Burlington, WI 53105
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Burlington WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adrian's Frozen Custard | 262-763-8562 | 572 Bridge St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Beijing Garden | 262-767-1188 | 464 N Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Bj Wentker's Historic Fine Dining | 262-767-1514 | 230 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Coach's Sports Bar & Grill | 262-763-9640 | 488 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Cousins Subs | 262-763-7640 | 206 S Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Culver's Frozen Custard | 262-763-5020 | 1073 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Flippy's Fast Food | 262-763-6754 | 401 N Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Foxville Family Restaurant | 262-763-5252 | 141 N Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Fred's Parkview | 262-763-8370 | 596 N Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
George Webb Restaurant | 262-763-7887 | 1080 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Burlington | 262-763-9030 | 1084 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Local Folks | 262-539-3200 | 39601 60th St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Marino's Country-Aire | 262-537-4062 | 34816 Geneva Rd | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 262-763-8777 | 316 N Dodge St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Outdoor The | 262-757-0100 | 532 McHenry St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Panda Buffet | 262-767-8899 | 208 S Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Sheila Mae's Town Fryer | 262-763-9940 | 116 N Main St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads of Burli | 262-763-8330 | 1088 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Veronico's | 262-763-2333 | 336 N Pine St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Waterfront The | 262-763-9989 | 31100 Weiler Rd | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Wendy's | 262-534-7900 | 2049 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
White Fox Den | 262-763-2155 | 864 Milwaukee Ave | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
Woodland | 262-539-3242 | 7305 McHenry St | Burlington | WI | 53105 |
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