Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Janesville, WI 53545
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Janesville WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Reading Room | 608-754-9377 | 20 E Milwaukee St Ste 105 | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Church of Christ | 608-752-5898 | 2103 Roxbury Rd | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Emmanuel Free Methodist Church | 608-755-1450 | 2618 Mount Zion Ave | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Faith Community Church | 608-758-2850 | 2931 Lucerne Dr | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Harmony Hills Presbyterian | 608-754-4875 | 1129 Blaine Ave | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Janesville Wesleyan Church | 608-752-7723 | 967 Benton Ave | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 608-752-4688 | 2130 Mount Zion Ave | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
New Horizon United Methodist Churc | 608-876-6256 | 1726 S Murphy Rd | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
St John Lutheran Church Janesville Elca | 608-752-3159 | 302 N Parker Dr | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
St Mark Lutheran Church Lcms | 608-754-8115 | 2921 Mount Zion Ave | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
St Matthew's Ev Lutheran Church | 608-752-1304 | 709 Milton Ave | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Trinity Tree Lutheran Church | 608-757-1237 | 2727 Holiday Dr | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
Westside Baptist Church | 608-756-0101 | 3227 Magnolia Rd | Janesville | WI | 53545 |
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