Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in West Bend, WI 53095
* Each listing below of Churches Information for West Bend WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
5th Avenue United Methodist Churc | 262-334-2059 | 323 S 5th Ave | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Community Church | 262-338-0725 | 2005 S Main St | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Emmaus Bible Church | 262-334-4177 | 220 N 6th Ave | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Full Gospel Church | 262-334-7788 | 5385 County Road G | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Generations Christian Fellowship | 262-306-0144 | 102 S Main St | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lut | 262-334-7881 | 777 S Indiana Ave | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Hope Community Reformed Church | 262-334-7842 | 1726 E Washington St | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Immanuel Church | 262-334-2886 | 501 Walnut St | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Kettlebrook Church | 262-365-0980 | 303 N Main St | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
New Life Christian Fellowship | 262-306-0986 | 620 Cedar St | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Elca | 262-334-9551 | 1044 S Silverbrook Dr | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Schmidt Kenneth V Rev | 262-675-2621 | 1288 Pleasant Valley Rd | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Shephard of the Hills Evangelical Lut | 262-334-9892 | 611 S 16th Ave | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
St John's Lutheran School | 262-675-6852 | 623 Congress Dr | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
St John's Lutheran School | 262-334-3077 | 899 S 6th Ave | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
St Paul's Ev Lutheran Church | 262-334-7776 | 4113 German Village Rd | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Timmer's on Big Cedar Lake | 262-338-8666 | 5151 Timmers Bay Rd | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
Trinity Ev Luth Church & School | 262-675-6627 | 1268 Pleasant Valley Rd | West Bend | WI | 53095 |
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