Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New Berlin, WI 53151
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New Berlin WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blessed Savior Lutheran Church | 262-786-6465 | 15250 W Cleveland Ave | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Christ the Victor Evangelical Ln | 262-782-4940 | 15700 W Coffee Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
First Baptist Church of New Berlin | 262-782-7775 | 3800 S Casper Dr | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 414-425-6430 | 13535 W Beloit Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Forest Park Presbyterian Ch | 262-786-5850 | 2300 S Sunnyslope Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Free Methodist Church | 262-782-3560 | 2975 S Sunnyslope Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Grace Church | 262-679-2416 | 4800 S Calhoun Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Our Lord's United Methodist Churc | 414-425-7030 | 5000 S Sunnyslope Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Resurrection Lutheran Church Elca | 262-786-8880 | 12400 W Cold Spring Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Seams-B-Fitting | 262-784-9050 | 13625 W Greenfield Ave | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Season's 4 Flowers & Gifts | 262-784-1751 | 3624 S Moorland Rd | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
South Asian Ministries | 262-789-0708 | 2314 S 133rd St | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 262-786-2900 | 3700 S Casper Dr | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
Woodridge Community Church | 262-784-7960 | 2550 S 170th St | New Berlin | WI | 53151 |
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