Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Waukesha, WI 53188
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Waukesha WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Life Tabernacle | 262-542-7538 | W271s2929 Merrill Hills Rd | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Ascension Lutheran Church Elca | 262-547-8518 | 1415 Dopp St | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Becker Jeff Co | 262-547-7675 | N7w23827 Bluemound Rd | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Elca | 262-547-2420 | 601 N University Dr | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Iglesia Metodista Unida | 262-542-1233 | 915 Magnolia Dr | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Mount Calvary Ev Lutheran Church | 262-547-6720 | 1941 Madison St | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
River of Life Bible Church | 262-544-1700 | 506 N Washington Ave | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Riverpark Community Church | 262-436-5555 | 210 Bank St | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
Saint Andrew Lutheran Church Elca | 262-542-6500 | 2641 Pebble Valley Rd | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
St Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church | 262-547-8213 | 424 Hyde Park Ave | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
St William Catholic Church | 262-547-2763 | 440 N Moreland Blvd | Waukesha | WI | 53188 |
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