Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oshkosh, WI 54901
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oshkosh WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Churc | 920-231-2800 | 1174 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 920-235-5390 | 1206 Ontario St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Calvary Chapel of Oshkosh | 920-233-8090 | 824 E Parkway Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Campus Ministry House | 920-231-1168 | 620 Elmwood Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 920-231-6570 | 222 Church Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 920-231-5190 | 443 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
First Baptist Temple Garbc | 920-231-9920 | 138 Church Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
First Congregational Church | 920-231-7520 | 137 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
First Presbyterian Church | 920-235-6180 | 110 Church Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
First United Methodist Church | 920-235-8430 | 700 W Linwood Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Grace Bible Church | 920-231-1499 | 549 Washington Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Grace Chapel | 920-232-5683 | 302 Church Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
His Church World Outreach Center | 920-426-4596 | 2704 Jackson St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Elca | 920-235-4850 | 1860 Wisconsin St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Religous Society of Friend | 920-232-1460 | 419 Boyd St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Rising Son Lutheran Campus Ministry | 920-233-5731 | 634 Wisconsin St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Rivervalley Church | 920-231-9690 | 1331 High Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
St Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 920-235-6616 | 1100 E Murdock Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 920-231-5480 | 808 N Main St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Sunnyview Christian Church | 920-235-3784 | 175 E County Road Y | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
The Lutheran Church Missouri Syf Wn | 920-235-7440 | 370 Bowen St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
Victory Baptist Church | 920-426-2726 | 608 Jefferson St | Oshkosh | WI | 54901 |
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