Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oshkosh, WI 54902
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oshkosh WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bartell's Studio Inc | 920-235-6957 | 1015 W 10th Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Bethany U C C | 920-235-1631 | 145 W 24th Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Emmanuel U C C | 920-235-8340 | 1306 Michigan St | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
First English Lutheran Church Elca | 920-231-9890 | 1013 Minnesota St | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Grace Lutheran Church & School | 920-233-1379 | 338 N Eagle St | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Jack & Jill Prep School | 920-235-3070 | 761 Florida Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Jericho Road Ministries Zion | 920-231-1287 | 429 N Sawyer St | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Lasure's Cakes & Catering | 920-231-5227 | 1570 Ripon Ln | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 920-231-4730 | 240 W 9th Ave | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Schoenberger's Pastry Shops | 920-235-9140 | 1529 Oregon St | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
Zion Lutheran the Servant Church | 920-235-4430 | 400 N Sawyer St | Oshkosh | WI | 54902 |
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