Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Menasha, WI 54952
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Menasha WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's 7099 | 920-969-9397 | 1492 Appleton Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Bigos Food & Drink | 920-967-5500 | 14 Tayco St | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Burger King | 920-725-0950 | 1520 Appleton Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Cafe Beignet | 920-722-6873 | 204 Main St | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Fazoli's Restaurant | 920-729-6586 | 1550 Appleton Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Hungry Bull Restaurant | 920-729-1098 | 12 Tayco St | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Kfc | 920-832-8180 | 1195 Valley Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 920-738-0333 | 1281 Valley Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Michiels of Menasha | 920-722-7885 | 1100 Appleton Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Mihm's Charcoal Grill | 920-722-0306 | 342 Chute St | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Perkins Family Restaurant | 920-751-3800 | 1680 Appleton Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Prime Time Club | 920-734-4413 | 1150 Valley Rd | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Subway Subs | 920-725-5760 | 319 Racine St | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Third Street Diner | 920-727-9500 | 300 Depere St | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
Tom's Drive-In | 920-725-2729 | 1151 Wittmann Dr | Menasha | WI | 54952 |
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