Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Banks in Huntington, WV 25701
* Each listing below of Banks Information for Huntington WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advantagebank | 304-733-3467 | 191 Eastern Hgts Shp Ctr | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Banc One Securities Corporation | 304-526-4219 | 20th Rep St | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Bank One | 304-526-4220 | 1000 5th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Bb & T | 304-522-8281 | 6 Avenue & 1 St | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Bb & T | 304-528-2200 | 1425 Hal Greer Blvd | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Blankenship Roy G Insurance | 304-529-7555 | 4440 5th Street Rd | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Conley Jon Ins | 304-529-7991 | 131 5th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Fifth Third Bank | 304-696-5353 | 999 4th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
First Sentry Bank | 304-522-6400 | 823 8th St | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Huntington Banks | 304-526-4600 | 919 5th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Huntington Federal Savings Bank | 304-528-6200 | 1049 5th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
State Farm Bank | 304-529-4555 | 6953 Route 152 | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
United Bank | 304-429-7416 | Camden & Bradley Rd | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
United Bank | 304-781-2401 | US Route 60 & 2 St | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
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