Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Barboursville, WV 25504
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Barboursville WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barboursville Baptist Church | 304-736-1634 | 948 Main St | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Barboursville First United Methodis | 304-736-6251 | Main St & Water St | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Bates Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 304-736-1441 | Pea Ridge Rd & Jeffe | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
C Bartram | 304-733-1021 | 1131 Huntington Ave | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Chosen Children Preschool | 304-736-5447 | 6476 Farmdale Rd | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Church of Christ | 304-736-8351 | 1120 McClung Ave | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Cox's Landing United Methodist Churc | 304-736-1945 | 5995 Big Seven Mile | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Elmwood Baptist Church | 304-736-1793 | 3045 Martha Rd | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 304-736-8006 | 3661 US Route 60 E | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Hebron Baptist Church | 304-736-4055 | Toms Creek Rd | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Kuhn Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 304-736-4512 | 955 Main St | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Providence Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 304-736-0487 | 5865 Davis Creek Rd | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Roach Baptist Church | 304-733-4007 | McComas Rd | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Spirit of Victory | 304-736-6345 | 6330 US Route 60 E | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
Steele Memorial United Methodist Churc | 304-736-4583 | 733 Shaw St | Barboursville | WV | 25504 |
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