Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Huntington, WV 25704
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Huntington WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Church of the Nazarene | 304-525-2321 | 1102 Adams Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Central United Methodist Churc | 304-525-1121 | 1043 Jefferson Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Chapman Jerry Rev | 304-429-1167 | 1900 Madison Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 304-522-3777 | 1249 Madison Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Grace Christian School | 304-522-8635 | 1111 Adams Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Jackson Ave Church of God Holiness | 304-522-7800 | 1301 Jackson Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Jefferson Avenue Church of God | 304-429-5571 | 2039 Jefferson Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Kellogg Independent Holiness Church | 304-429-1721 | 4430 Piedmont Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Madison Ave Church of God | 304-529-4757 | 1201 Madison Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Madison Avenue Christian Churc | 304-522-4091 | 722 12th St W | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
New Beginning United Baptist | 304-429-8320 | 3304 Haneys Branch Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Prince of Peace Baptist Church | 304-429-5738 | 4637 Piedmont Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Second Presbyterian Church | 304-522-3040 | 901 Jefferson Ave | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Spring Valley Church of Christ | 304-429-7422 | 2909 Route 75 | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Spring Valley Freedom Baptist Church | 304-429-4951 | 1600 Spring Valley Dr | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Vinson Memorial Christian Churc | 304-429-2782 | 3800 Piedmont Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Waverly Rd Missionary Baptist Church | 304-429-3403 | 4412 Waverly Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Westmoreland Baptist Church | 304-429-1348 | 3401 Hughes St | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Westmoreland Church of Christ | 304-429-4803 | 3209 Auburn Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Westmoreland United Methodist Churc | 304-429-2816 | 3602 Auburn Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
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