Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Huntington, WV 25705
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Huntington WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beverly Hills Church of Christ Christia | 304-522-1714 | 773 Norway Ave | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Beverly Hills United Methodist Churc | 304-529-3383 | 2600 Washington Blvd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 304-736-1402 | 5700 US Route 60 | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 304-525-4561 | 1458 28th St | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Cross Roads United Methodist Churc | 304-522-7434 | 3146 Saltwell Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Crossroads Baptist Church | 304-523-3693 | 875 Norway Ave | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Eastwood Baptist Child Care Center | 304-736-0176 | 5730 E Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
First Altizer Free Will Baptist Church | 304-522-8247 | 216 3rd St | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
First Baptist Church Housing Associa | 304-522-7375 | 65 Smith Dr | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
First Wesleyan Church | 304-523-3274 | 3135 Washington Blvd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Good Shephard Freewill Baptist Church | 304-733-9702 | 5470 W Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Gospel Chapel | 304-529-6351 | 1236 28th St | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Lewis Memorial Baptist Church | 304-736-1500 | 5275 W Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Lewis Memorial Baptist Church | 304-736-0177 | 5325 W Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Lewis Memorial Baptist Church | 304-736-7676 | 5385 W Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Norwood Free Methodist Church | 304-525-6548 | 3740 Norwood Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Our Lady of Fatima Church | 304-525-0866 | 545 Norway Ave | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Missouri Synod | 304-529-7365 | 3043 Washington Blvd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Pea Ridge Baptist Church | 304-736-5572 | 5945 E Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Pea Ridge United Methodist Churc | 304-736-4467 | 5747 E Pea Ridge Rd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
River Cities Community Church | 304-736-8197 | 4385 US Route 60 | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Riverview United Methodist Churc | 304-525-1912 | 3800 Riverside Dr | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 304-525-9105 | 3000 Washington Blvd | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
Walnut Hills Baptist Church | 304-523-4499 | 245 Davis St | Huntington | WV | 25705 |
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