Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Huntington, WV 25704
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Huntington WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chapman Martin Excavation & Gr | 304-429-2434 | 5101 James River Rd | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Charley Bailey Stone Contractors | 304-429-1063 | 231 33rd St W | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Colonial Construction Co of Huntingto | 304-523-6502 | 422 9th St W | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Gillette Construction Inc | 304-525-4848 | 3732 Route 75 | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Huntington Floor Sanding | 304-429-3400 | 2248 Spring Valley Dr | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Koslow Michael & Son Construction in | 304-429-5721 | 1632 Buena Vista Dr | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
Spring Valley Excavating Co | 304-429-4158 | 2807 Sunrise Hl | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
W & W Construction Co | 304-429-2853 | 2294 Meadow Haven St | Huntington | WV | 25704 |
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