Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Huntington, WV 25701
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Huntington WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Afsc Economic | 304-529-3890 | 1135 6th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
American Cancer Society | 304-523-7989 | 1336 Hal Greer Blvd | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
American Foundation for the Blind | 304-523-8651 | 949 3rd Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
American Red Cross | 304-526-2900 | 1111 Veterans Memorial Bl | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the | 304-522-2191 | 501 5th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Braley & Thompson Inc | 304-525-1400 | 720 4th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Branches Domestic Violence Shelte | 304-529-2382 | 1038 10th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Coordinating Council for Independent | 304-733-6415 | 4329 Hughes Branch Rd | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Link Child Care Resource & Refe | 304-523-9540 | 611 7th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Rape Crisis Counseling Team | 304-523-3448 | 1230 6th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Salvation Army | 304-529-2401 | 1235 3rd Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Southwestern Community Action Council | 304-697-0022 | 540 5th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Time Out Youth Services | 304-525-7161 | 1427 7th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
Voca Eighth Ave Group Home | 304-523-0177 | 1519 8th Ave | Huntington | WV | 25701 |
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