Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charleston, WV 25301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charleston WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Temple New Beginnings Pres | 304-346-9627 | 209 Morris St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Christ Church United Methodist Presc | 304-342-0192 | 1221 Quarrier St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Christian Science Church | 304-342-0767 | Bradford St & Lee St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Darlington United Methodist Churc | 304-744-6139 | 7th Avenue & E St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes | 304-344-9005 | 1210 Virginia St E Apt B | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
First Baptist Church | 304-344-4754 | 432 Shrewsbury St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
First Baptist Church of South Charlesto | 304-744-1375 | D St & 6th Ave | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
First Presbyterian Church | 304-343-8961 | 16 Leon Sullivan Way | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Ives S Clifton | 304-344-8331 | 900 Washington St E | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Kanawha Salines Presbyterian Ch | 304-925-7016 | Salines Dr | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Kanawha United Presbyterian Ch | 304-342-6558 | 1009 Virginia St E | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 304-344-8661 | 1343 Lewis St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 304-342-4766 | 205 Donnally St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Riverview Presbyterian Church | 304-343-6811 | 1316 Kanawha Blvd E | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 304-342-6381 | 306 Washington St E | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Simpson Memorial United Methodist Churc | 304-343-1873 | 607 Shrewsbury St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
South Charleston Christian Churc | 304-744-5441 | 3rd Avenue & E St | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
St Paul Ame Church | 304-343-3085 | 2nd Avenue & Fitzger | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 304-343-1647 | 1423 Lee St E | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 304-768-1981 | 4606 Kan Tpke | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
St Stephens United Methodist Churc | 304-344-2099 | Twilight Dr | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church | 304-342-5212 | 1600 Kan Blvd E | Charleston | WV | 25301 |
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