Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charleston, WV 25311
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charleston WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Chapel Ame | 304-345-8511 | 169 Wertz Ave | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 304-342-7811 | 501 Elizabeth St | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 304-342-1664 | 1512 Greenbrier St | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Bible Baptist Church | 304-925-0566 | 2878 Piedmont Rd | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Browning James Building Service Contrac | 304-346-2500 | 514 Nancy St | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
East Point Apostolic Church | 304-925-7266 | 140 E Point Dr | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Episcopal Diocese of Wv | 304-344-3597 | 1608 Virginia St E | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Glad Tidings Apostolic Church | 304-344-8044 | 160 Bakers Fork Rd | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Maple Hill Baptist Church | 304-926-6006 | RR 6 | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Oakridge Bible Church | 304-343-6000 | 2167 Oakridge Dr | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Open Door Apostolic Church | 304-346-9175 | 2630 Kanawha Blvd E | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
Ruffner Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 304-342-0845 | 1698 Quarrier St | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
West Virginia Council of Churches | 304-344-3141 | 2207 Washington St E | Charleston | WV | 25311 |
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