Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charleston, WV 25312
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charleston WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Freewill Baptist Church | 304-344-1996 | 134 Jenkins Dr | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Broady Braxton Rev | 304-346-8374 | 1530 3rd Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Childrens Castle Preschool | 304-344-1466 | 2408 6th Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 304-342-4988 | 1401 Washington St W | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Glorious Liberty Apostolic Churc | 304-346-8389 | 1530 1st Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Greater Pentecostal Bible Way Churc | 304-342-0420 | 1620 Washington St W | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 304-984-9514 | 1 Maranatha Acres | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Mt Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church | 304-965-6939 | RR 5 | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church | 304-343-5240 | 1404 1st Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 304-345-8334 | 1538 2nd Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
North Charleston Baptist Church | 304-744-0435 | 1009 Woodward Dr | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
North Hills Baptist Church | 304-984-0347 | 6108 Bobolink Ln | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Northside Church of Nazarene | 304-342-7030 | 2213 Washington St W | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Starcher Baptist Church | 304-744-5931 | 2624 6th Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Sugar Creek Missionary Baptist Church | 304-344-4810 | 1648 Sugar Creek Dr | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
Unity of Kanawha Valley | 304-744-7300 | 3102 Blaine Blvd | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
West Charleston Baptist Church | 304-345-7733 | 1401 4th Ave | Charleston | WV | 25312 |
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