Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Barbers in Parkersburg, WV 26101
* Each listing below of Barbers Information for Parkersburg WV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Man's Place | 304-428-4114 | 312 5th St | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Broadway Barber Shop | 304-428-3454 | 1327 Broadway Ave | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Cathy's Cut & Curl | 304-424-6207 | 2614 27th Ave | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Clipper Time Clipper Video | 304-863-5710 | Dupont Rd | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Ed's Barber Shop | 304-485-1027 | 418 Avery St | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Ellis' Barber Shop | 304-464-4349 | Old St Marys Park | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Marchell Barber Shop | 304-485-9943 | 1724 20th St | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Shockey Keith Barbering & Styling | 304-424-6175 | 2128 Gihon Rd | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
The Rage A Hair Company | 304-422-3087 | 224 Grand Central Mall | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
Yoak's Barber Stylist | 304-428-6851 | 1633 19th St | Parkersburg | WV | 26101 |
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